What grade is your student?
What gender does your student identify?
Which of the following statements do you most agree with…
I wish my student spent less time on their phone
I wish my student spent more time on their phone
I think my student is spending about the right amount of time on their phone
Does your student bring their phone with them to school?
Which of the following would you agree with?
I am supportive of my child taking their phone to school
I am not supportive of my child taking their phone to school
I let my child take their phone to school, but have mixed feelings on doing so
If you let your child take their phone to school, what are your primary motivations?
The phone can be used as a learning aid in class
I can communicate with my student about logistics such as pick up times
I want to have contact with my student in cases of emergency
I wish they didn’t take their phone to school but I feel I have no choice in the matter.
As it relates to students using their phone in class, which of the following statements do you agree with...
I am supportive of my student using their phone during class whenever they wish
I am supportive of my student using their phone in class, but only at the teacher’s discretion
I am supportive of phones being collected at the beginning of class and not used during class
Our school’s cell phone policy is as follows [insert the specific language] Please indicate your level of support towards this policy:
I am supportive of the cell phone policy
I would prefer a more restrictive policy
I would prefer a less restrictive policy or no policy at all
If you had your choice of school cell phone policy, which would you prefer...
I prefer there is no policy - in other words, students can use their cell phones as they see fit
Cell phones can be used during period and lunch breaks. In class, phones can be used at teacher’s discretion.
Cell phones can be used during period and lunch breaks. In class, phones are collected and kept away for the duration of class.
Cell phones must remain in the locker at all times, used only in cases of an emergency
Cell phones are to be turned off and not used for the duration of the school day
On a scale of 1-10, please indicate the degree to which you struggle with this topic - your child’s cell phone use - as a parent?
On a scale of 1-10 please indicate how important you believe this topic is?